6417 Angola Rd Holland, Ohio
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16 Jun, 2016 No Comments

Keeping Grass Green During Hot Weather


Keeping your grass green during hot weather or long periods of no rain can be very tricky.  Even the Toledo are can have weather hot enough to keep the grass from staying green.  Nobody wants dead grass!  Luckily we are here to help.

Our friends over at HGTV posted an excellent article giving some tips on keeping your grass alive during summer.  You can find that article here: (, but we will point out the high notes.

  • Keep Your Grass Longer – This allows the roots to grow deeper where turf is more dense, requiring less water.  A blade length of 4 inches should do for summer.
  • Sharpen Mower Blades – If your blade is dull, it could cause the grass to fray.  When you fray your grass, there is a higher chance it will turn brown.
  • When To Mow – Don’t mow as often and when you do cut, do it early on in the day or wait for the evening when the sun has gone down.  Fresh cut grass + hot sun = brown grass.
  • Mulch – Rather than bagging up clippings, mulch the grass.  This will help retain moisture to keep your lawn better hydrated and cooler.
  • Fertilizing – Typically you can skip fertilizing during the summer.  However, get your soil tested for deficiencies and use an organic, time-release fertilizer to minimize on browning.
  • When To Water – Watering about an inch a week will keep the lawn healthy.  Recommended time to water is during morning hours to allow moisture to be absorbed before the sun evaporates it.


We are confident that if you follow these tips you can keep your lawn looking nice and healthy this summer, just like one of our clients lawns you see below!  Have any other tips?  Feel free to leave them in the comment section.


Lawn Stripes Toledo
18 May, 2016 No Comments

Lawn Stripes – We Love Them!

Nothing looks better than freshly cut grass with beautiful lawn stripes!  Lawn Care companies in Toledo are everywhere.  Landscaping companies in Toledo are everywhere.  We can promise none of them take as much pride in their work as we do!  Take a look at some of the pictures below of some lawn stripes we just put down in Toledo!
Lawn Stripes Toledo  Toledo lawn stripes Stripes on Toledo Lawn

Want to put lawn stripes like these on your own lawn?  Check out a how-to brought to you by Scotts –

Admit it. You want them. Those beautiful lawn stripes that’ll make your grass look like ballpark grass. Clean and professional. Like the fields you see in college and professional sports stadiums. You’re in luck, because it’s really not too hard to make stripes in your lawn if you have cool-season grass. Here’s how.

  • The Way Striping Works

    The effect of stripes you see on a lawn or playing field is simply light reflecting off the grass blades. Blades bent towards you look dark, while those bent the opposite way look lighter. You can see some of the same effect with normal mowing, and creating patterns just takes it a step further. To get the blades to bend, you’ll need a striping kit for your mower or a roller. You can buy a striping kit online or find instructions on how to build one yourself.

    Pick a Pattern

    Before you start mowing, decide on the pattern you want to create. It may help – especially when doing this the first time – to make a sketch of how the pattern will fit the layout of your lawn. The possibilities are practically endless, but stripes, checkerboards, and diamonds are the most common patterns.

    Lawn Striping in Toledo

    Watch Where You’re Mowing

    Unless you’re purposely creating a wavy pattern, take care to mow in a straight line. Start by mowing parallel to a straight sidewalk or driveway. To keep mowing straight, look at least 10 feet in front of you while you mow, rather than at the ground right in front of the mower. When you come to the end of a row, lift the mower deck as you turn, then mow in the opposite direction next to your previous pass. To create a checkerboard, mow the lawn a second time at 90 degrees to your first mowing. Finish by mowing a strip around the edges of the lawn.

    Intensify Your Stripes

    Your mowing will create the basic pattern, but the next step is what the professionals do to make their patterns more pronounced. The secret is to bend the grass blades further, and you can do that with a lawn roller. If you don’t own a roller, you can rent one. Go back over your mowing stripes, rolling the grass in the same direction you mowed. You’ll see a dramatic difference.

    Additional Striping Tips

    To create a vivid pattern, mow high. Mowing at the highest setting creates softer grass that bends over easily. A shorter grass blade will not bend over as far, and the pattern will not be as noticeable. Raising the mowing height even a half-inch can make a difference. Don’t forget to feed your lawn every 6-8 weeks.  A lawn fed 2-4 times per year, will grow thick and lush helping make the stripes even more dramatic. Finally, always mow with a sharp blade for a nice, healthy cut.

21 Feb, 2016 1 Comment

Prevent damage to your lawn and gardens by Ice-Melt

Snowfall is beautiful but once ice melts problems starts. One of these problems they come with is they damage to your lawns. We tell steps to prevent damage to your lawn and gardens by ice melt. Salt is very toxic to grass when it gets dissolved in water because the needed potassium and phosphorus in the soil gets replaced with sodium ions, robbing them from your shrubs and plants. Rock salt absorbs the water that would normally be used by roots, which in turn dehydrate them and make plans stressed.Ice-Melt-versus-Rock-Salt-Garden-2

Few tips to keep your sidewalks clear and plants safe :

• Do not over-salt! Follow label directions precisely.
• Make sure you avoid rock salt in extreme cold. Salt is effective most at temperatures below the freezing point.
• De-icing agents such as calcium-chloride, or calcium magnesium acetate, are salt-free and should be used in extreme cold.
• In extreme cold, sprinkle water lightly over surface before you apply the ice melt for better results.
• Erect barriers with plastic fencing, burlap or snow fencing to protect sensitive plants.
• For plants that do get sprayed by salt, use a broom and lightly brush salt off of the plants. You may not see the damage to plants and trees by salt or ice melt until spring.
• Shovel ice and snow as soon as possible, and try to keep sidewalks and paths clear to avoid re-applying.

Well you don’t have to worry about doing all the above steps. Let us take care of your landscape while you sit back and relax. Call Honey Do LLC at +1 419-720-0133. We are the best Project Management Company in our region.

12 Feb, 2016 1 Comment

How to Get Rid of Crabgrass from your landscape

The best weapon you have against this annual weed is crabgrass preemergence herbicide and in this post we tell you how to get rid of crabgrass from your landscape. You apply this product in the spring before the crabgrass seed sprouts. This granular herbicide works by creating a chemical barrier at the surface of the soil. As the seeds begin germination, they take in the herbicide and die.